Thu 31/12/2019

Megalepthyphantes nebulosus
Megalepthyphantes nebulosus

Not much of 2019 left! I had today off work though, but still got up earlier than the rest of my family, then wandered out into the cold back garden in my dressing gown. To my surprise, this little spider was crawling up the outside of the conservatory – by the time I went and fetched my camera it was facing downwards, but stayed still while I took a few photos. Chris at Rye Harbour reckons this is Megalepthyphantes nebulosus, which is common enough in my house, but this is a bit of a faded specimen.


And thus endeth 2019!


Megalepthyphantes nebulosus
Megalepthyphantes nebulosus
Megalepthyphantes nebulosus
Megalepthyphantes nebulosus

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