Fri 18/10/2019

There was a tiny spider in the hallway at work, at the top of the wall in the crook of the ceiling. I wouldn’t have noticed it at all if it wasn’t for the fact that the walls and ceiling are white, making camouflage a bit of an issue for predator and prey alike. Anyway, I have not yet identified the species, but it was only about 5 or 6mm long; very small indeed.

Despite the distinctly autumnal conditions, the box tree moths are still flying thick and fast. This one (on a glass door at the offices where I work) was more thick than fast, to be fair...

Box-tree moth Cydalima perspectalis
Box-tree moth Cydalima perspectalis

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CDs include a full 8-page inlay booklet with notes on each track.


The Chalkhill Blue Album!



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CD Baby










See the Chalkhill Blue CD at:


Rock Bottom Records, Whitstable 


or click on the above graphic to buy online.


Caroline Battenburg Art