So, regular readers of this panel may realise that I have a bit of a fixation with ladybirds, especially really small ones. Some are no bigger than a couple of millimetres, but the shape still gives them away as ladybirds, and even the smallest often have black and red markings. This one was slightly larger, maybe 3mm instead, but appeared to be totally black. I shoved it in the fridge for a couple of days to slow it down, then took some photos when I let it out. And it looks like – yes I know – a hairy ladybird.
Which is exactly what it is. Last time I found one of these, I submitted a photo to the ladybird recording scheme, who helpfully identified it as Rhyzobius lophanthae, a brown-headed species and, we believe, a first record for Kent! The same authority IDd this one as Rhyzobius forestieri. Richard Comont observed on Twitter that it “Seems to be having a very good year in the southeast, lots of sightings on Facebook groups.”
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