The warehouse wall was absolutely rife with moths this morning. I can’t do it though – no matter how much I try, I can’t get good shots round that side of the warehouse that time in the morning. I don’t know if it is the brown background messing up the light-metering or what, but all the shots are washed out and pallid. I can compensate somewhat with software, but it’s not a natural look. Anyway, let’s have a yellow shell moth first; this was behind a down-pipe and doesn’t look too bad, then a lovely brimstone and a small emerald.
About the most interesting thing though, was this little beetle. I could not see it properly without my glasses, but I trusted that a few photos would suffice to get a proper ID. It wouldn’t keep still once I pointed the camera at it, hence the blurry motion sickness, but what a little beauty eh?
Here is an ermine moth similar to the one I photographed on Tue 16/07/19. The markings are not identical; this one seems to have more spots, but still probably not enough to be a bird-cherry ermine, so I am not going to attempt a specific ID.
And just to round things off, here is a much better shot of the micro moth Cochylis molliculana, one of which was included on Mon 29/07/19. Can see individual wing scales on this one!
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