I saw something today that I never expected to see: a red kite over the M2 verge near junction 3 (A229 Bluebell Hill)! I am familiar with red kites as they are very common in the Brecon Beacons in Wales and on the M40 in the vicinity of Oxford, and I have seen them in both places – but as far as I know, they are not present in North Kent. Buzzards are our large bird of prey, but this one was undoubtedly a red kite. I have not yet had any response to my queries about this …
The reason I was out that way in the first place was that we had been to the Kent Garden Show at Detling. One of the highlights for me is that I always seem to see unusual moths there. I won’t tell you where though. Oh all right then – in the mobile toilets by the entrance. The species are never rare, but are almost always unusual to me, being a townie. This year we had the common marbled carpet, which is one I don’t ever remember having seen before, and the angle shades, which is dead common everywhere but beautiful nonetheless. The photos are not brilliant, because the light is always fairly subdued in the mobile huts and if you are going to whip out a camera in the gents, then it’s a case of a quick photo and then run … !
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