Mon 06/05/2019

Micromoth Esperia sulphurella
Micromoth Esperia sulphurella

Freezing cold bank holiday weather today, and although people are posting pictures of various moths and birds from all over the UK, there is precious little going on around here. I saw this attractive little micromoth fluttering around in the back garden, and when it landed I was able to take a few pictures. Took me ages to identify because the picture in my field guide is not brilliant to be honest, but this turned out to be the Esperia sulphurella of the gelechioid superfamily – no common name unfortunately. I think the extra-long bright yellow line on the wings makes it a female; the line on the male is pretty minimal. The whole thing is about 7mm long excluding antennae.

Micromoth Esperia sulphurella
Micromoth Esperia sulphurella

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