I had noticed a few lacewings around the place recently that are brown rather than green, and when I looked it up, I found out that there is at least one very common species that turns brown when it hibernates. I found a couple of them at the factory today, as well as one that is still bright green, although in a little bit of bother in a spider’s web. It didn’t look that concerned though; I think it was just resting there.
While I was at it, I had another go at getting some really good comparison photos of a common plume moth and a beautiful plume. Reasonable I suppose …
There has been a lot of talk on the News and social media about a beluga whale frolicking in the Thames estuary right on our doorstep. It took until today though, for me to get a chance to take a look. Couldn’t see the blighter anywhere of course, only mud, mist and a large number of these wading birds. I’m not sure what they are, mist-shrouded and covered in mud as they are, but then I never am with waders anyway.
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