Tue 17/07/2018

There goes a fox …
There goes a fox …

I was reading in the back garden today when I kept hearing this kind of coughing noise. It took a surprisingly long time, but I eventually found out that there was a fox on top of the shed, snuggled down in the wisteria. It looked at me for a few seconds, then just as I pointed the camera it ran off. Here is a photo of it haring off up the alleyway …

The yellow dragonfly below turned up in our back garden today and stayed around for ages while I took loads of photos. I believe this is a female ruddy darter.

Female ruddy darter dragonflySympetrum sanguineum
Female ruddy darter dragonflySympetrum sanguineum
Female ruddy darter dragonflySympetrum sanguineum
Female ruddy darter dragonflySympetrum sanguineum

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