Mon 16/07/2018

More moths today! The most interesting was this one here, which looks like a riband wave, the same size and straw background colour, but with the dark band smudged around a bit, and some natty lace fitted around the collar. The slightly hooked wing tips are a bit of a difference though. It turns out this is the mocha, a new species to me although not rare by any means. Now the bottom one really is obscure – hardly any markings at all to latch on to!

Mocha moth Cyclophora annularia
Mocha moth Cyclophora annularia
Miscellaneous small moth!
Miscellaneous small moth!
A thorn moth – but which one??
A thorn moth – but which one??

This pretty neat thorn moth almost escaped detection completely, resting a few inches above the ground with its wings folded above its back like a butterfly.

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