Mon 14/08/17

The bird feeder in the garden was certainly popular, but the only fairly unusual bird to visit it in my presence was this marsh tit (right).

Common bistort Persicaria bistorta
Common bistort Persicaria bistorta
Marsh tit  Poecile palustris
Marsh tit Poecile palustris


Went for a fantastic walk today, over fields and along a wooded footpath alongside a tinkling stream. The summer drizzle was barely an inconvenience. This beautiful pink flower (left) was growing at the roadside; I didn’t recognise it at all; in fact my Collins wild flower guide makes it ‘rare’ in the south. I believe this is common bistort.

The warm dampness seems perfect for bracket fungi, like these two fun guys:

Spider Coelotes atropos
Spider Coelotes atropos

The best one though, was this medium-sized spider. I noticed a small sheet web fitting snugly to the bark of a tree, and tickled the web to see if I could coax out some tiny spider. I wasn’t expecting this beast to emerge from behind a fold of bark and attack the grass stem I was using. The spider looks like a Segestria, although the web is nothing like web of the large florentina we get in Kent – I have not seen any of those here.

Chris at Rye Harbour identified it as a Coelotes species, almost certainly Coelotes atropos from the geographical location.

Spider Coelotes atropos
Spider Coelotes atropos

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