
The more observant among you may have noticed that this post is in a different font size and colour than all the previous gumf I've written. That is because, halfway through writing the post below, Jimdo suddenly decided they weren't going to support Internet Explorer any more, except under specific conditions, so basically I have to use something else. Now I have nothing against Google Chrome particularly, but I persevered with Explorer because it displayed the text more clearly and the pictures in a larger format, so it was easier, for me at least, to read while posting. Now I have to either remember to alter the font every time I post, or just let it be different. I'll probably just let it be different, but it does irritate me when corporations tell me what software to use, regardless of what I prefer. which is probably why they are discouraging the Microsoft usage in the first place. Own goal, guys. OK, rant over.

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Listen to Chalkhill Blue at!


If you would like to listen to the music of Chalkhill Blue for free, or purchase a download or CD, please click the link below.


Downloads can be purchased per track or whole album.


CDs include a full 8-page inlay booklet with notes on each track.


The Chalkhill Blue Album!



See also:


iTunes !








CD Baby










See the Chalkhill Blue CD at:


Rock Bottom Records, Whitstable 


or click on the above graphic to buy online.


Caroline Battenburg Art